HTML Email Coding Or WYSIWYG Email Builder?

Should you entrust a critical aspect of your email strategy to a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) drag and drop builder? Or should you ask a professional to take care of your email coding?

Clearly, here at Tagpair, we believe that the second option is the better one, but we know that sometimes that’s not going to be possible. As long as you understand the benefits and restrictions of a drag and drop editor, they can serve a purpose.

What is WYSIWYG?

Readily available online, WYSIWYG editors offer an easy way to build emails for those who have no coding knowledge. They tend to be an inexpensive option for those with limited budgets. And for those in a hurry, they are a quicker way to produce an HTML email. Put simply, they are quick, easy, and cheap.

Why Choose Custom HTML Email Coding?

So, with all of those advantages, why would anyone choose to pay for a custom coded email design? The answer is that WYSIWYG builders come at a cost. Custom HTML email coding offers more flexibility, and a more tailored, professional experience.

Drag and drop builders can be very restrictive, limiting your ability to produce a customised design. Depending on which builder you choose they can also offer limited features and functionality.

WYSIWYG editors offer a ‘one size fits all’ solution that often ends up looking the same as hundreds of others – which is not the best way to stand out in a crowded inbox.

Think of it as the difference between a colouring book and an artist’s drawing pad. No matter how beautifully you colour it in, it’s still essentially a mass produced image with no real originality.

The other problem with drag and drop is that the coding behind them can be very hit and miss. That means that you can’t always be confident that your email will render correctly for your target audience\'s email application.

Custom email coding allows you to have creative, dynamic emails that properly reflect who you are as a brand. There is no junk code lurking in the background, and it will be fully tested across all clients for you.

So Should You Never Use WYSIWYG Email Builders?

Absolutely not. While many can be overly restrictive, by combining the right builder with the right technical expertise, it’s still possible to create fantastic emails.

As with every aspect of marketing, it’s important to understand the value of your investment, and the potential returns. Sometimes, the investment in a polished, professional brand presence is an investment you can’t afford NOT to make.

At Tagpair, we’re passionate about helping businesses of all sizes to shine in the inbox, and we can work with a range of budgets.

If you’d like to talk about how we can help you, get in touch now.

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