Email Design Best Practice

Email marketing offers huge potential, when it’s done well. Here are some email design best practice guides for getting the most out of your emails.

Make it Mobile Friendly

More than half of the people who open your email will be reading it on a mobile screen. If it doesn’t look right, they’re unlikely to want to learn more about what you’ve got to offer.

Responsive email design goes beyond ‘single-column designs with big buttons’. Designing and coding an email responsively allows for device specific features including full width buttons, larger fonts, and the ability to disable certain elements as needed.

Making your email mobile friendly should never be an afterthought. Here at Tagpair, we adopt a mobile-first approach, which places increased importance on creating a responsive design that delivers an outstanding experience on any device.

Before They Open The Email

A stunning email design will only matter if your audience actually sees it. Crafting an engaging subject line will significantly increase the chance of that happening. And remember to take advantage of the preheader text, which gives you an extra opportunity to stand out in the inbox.

Don’t Waste A Single Pixel Of Your Header

You have 2 seconds to capture a reader’s attention, and the header of your email is your first (and sometimes only) opportunity to do this. Make sure the design of your email takes this into account by making the most of that space.

Your branding/logo should be visible to boost brand awareness. Benefits-led copy will encourage your audience to engage with your email.

Try to avoid large images that don’t contribute to the message. This will push your important content further down the page.

If your only goal is to get people to your website, then a navigation menu can work really well in the header.

Tell Your Readers What You Want Them To Do

Calls to action (CTAs) are vital in an email, and they take many forms.

Some are obvious – the big button that tells you to click here is clearly a call to action.

Some are a little less obvious – hyperlinking key words and phrases in your copy will increase engagement and get people clicking through to your chosen landing page.

Then there are the Calls to Action that are so subtle, they sometimes get forgotten about.

Your logo should always be linked to your website, so that curious readers can do their own research about you. Relevant images should also have links, so that more visually driven subscribers will click through to your website or landing page.

Make sure you take into account the likely intention behind clicks on your CTAs, and ensure that you are taking them somewhere relevant. If you make people work for the information they want, you will lose them.

Stay on-brand

You should aim to deliver a consistent brand experience across all channels. The restrictions of email can make this slightly more challenging than elsewhere, but a talented designer will be able to make it happen.

Remember that every touch-point you have with customers and potential customers makes an impression – for better or worse.

Working With Tagpair

You don’t have to figure this all out yourself. We will offer email design best practice guidance and advice, based on our years of experience. You can be confident that your campaigns will not only look good, but also deliver results.

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